Discover how

We are dissembling the long-winded and complex processes and building agile and disruptive ways of securing the best people for our clients.

No CV database

Mini sprints with the client
early in the process

No researchers,
only 360 specialist recruiters

One of a kind prospects giving us the opportunity to attract passive candidates

Modern advertisement tools

End of project report with all data from the process

No media / advertisement packages with mark-up

No long-list / short-list syndrome

Agile recruitment

Learn more about how we can ensure that our clients secure the absolute best talent while saving time and cost with agile recruitment.

A recruitment process is a unique opportunity to strengthen the employer brand of a company.

Yet, a recruitment process can weaken, or even destroy your employer brand.

AvantGarde Search is optimizing the candidates experience throughout the recruitment process and is representing the company brand in the best way possible. 

This way, the candidates will leave the recruiting and hiring process with a positive attitude towards your company.

Our product in short


Sourcing, selecting and delivering the optimal talent for your our client needs


All recruiters have their own niche area of focus (vertical market) while AvantGarde Search only service technology companies.

Unique promotions

Providing unique job brochures and audio advertisement.


Adaptable, fast, and simplified recruitment process

Employer branding

Strengthening the client brand in the recruitment process.


Providing recruitment data &
end-of project reports