Bipolar blog - a check in with Daniel Fossum - 2/4

I had my first panic attack in June 2002 and thought I was going to die. Since then, things have gone up and down, but I think I have gotten away lightly.  With this I mean; I have managed OK. Unfortunately, this isn’t the case for a lot of people with mental health disorders and in case you didn’t know: there will be people close to you (family, friend, colleague, leader, partner etc.) that experience problems with their mental health. Sorry if this scares you, but it is the truth.

Who am I?

Position: Co-Founder and CEO of AvantGarde Search
Diagnosis: Bipolar 2 disorder and anxiety and depression disorder
Business goal: Between now and 2028, build the leading specialist recruitment company in the Nordics
Personal goal: Survive and at the same time raise awareness of mental healt


Text 2: Interview with investor and advisor for for start-ups, Daniel Caetanya Fossum

I first met Daniel a few years back. I knew that he was from the start-up scene but I had never met the guy. When I then saw he put a frame on his FB picture with a Bipolar frame I messaged him. A few days later we met and some days later we were being interviewed by DN.

Since then, we have stayed in touch and drink regular coffees at Youngstorget. He advices me on certain topics - and I do the same. Just how it should be. So last time when Daniel came by I asked him some questions that I wanted to publish as a part of this series of 4 posts. So here is the interview with Daniel and thanks a million Daniel for opening and sharing.


Age                                          37 going 38
Positions                                  Investor and advisor for start-ups
Diagnosed with            Bipolar 2
When did he “come out”          On Facebook in 2021
Private status                           Partner and a little one on the way
Hobbies                                    Mental health, fitness, ice bathing / Wim Hof, tennis, golf, football.
Will Arsenal win the league?     If there is a footballing God - then yes!


How was it to inform your family and friends, or coming out as I call it, about your mental health challenges?

“It was a bit strange at first, but at the same time very liberating. In a way, it provided explanations for many of my choices, doings, and spontaneous actions over the years. At least it explained that I went from being "all over the place" to disappearing for many months. Some had probably suspected that, so for them it was not surprising and certainly nice to be able to understand me better.”

Of course, you never know beforehand how it feels when you let everyone in on what is going on. So, what made you decide to “come out” and are you pleased you did? What have the pros and cons been?

“I started by telling quite a few friends and family after coming out of a bad period. When the contrast became so insanely great in just one day, I realized that this was really something out of the ordinary. I wanted people around me to experience up close that things were happening "inside me" that were difficult to explain. It is very fascinating to experience the crazy contrasts you can feel. 
As for "coming out" to the public, it was a Facebook post that was shared on March 30th, 2021, that triggered my desire to tell everyone around me. There are many who have experienced me up close and at a distance in recent years who I felt could also gain an understanding of the crazy drive I could have at times.
I am very glad that I "came out", mainly because it has helped me and everyone in my surroundings to understand me better. You suddenly become very aware of your strengths and weaknesses, which means that you can take “advantage” of the diagnosis and use your creative powers for something constructive and productive. 

For me, there have been few disadvantages, mainly because in many cases it is considered a great advantage in my profession. Creativity and drive are very beneficial in my job. I also have a wonderful partner who is very understanding and allows me to be the best version of myself.”

Is seeing the positives in it a way for you to cope and utilize your strength? Or in other words, what are your best techniques to stay in good mental shape and to minimize the times you have your ups and downs?

“My best techniques are mainly about good sleeping routines, exercise, diet, and good relationships. I feel that I have learned to understand myself so well that I am able to avoid many of the “downs” to a greater extent, while at the same time I am also able to keep restrained during the “ups. It requires a bit of discipline and self-awareness, but if you manage to push yourself a little when you don't feel like doing something, while at the same time holding back when you really want to do things, then you have a good starting point.
A saying I have become very fond of is: "Mood follows action". A classic example is when it comes to exercise. Don't wait until you feel like exercising, exercise so you feel better. You can use this in several areas of life and is a good rule of thumb.”

Linking a bit towards your saying “mood follows action”, what would you like to see from politicians, companies, and society in general to place even more focus on mental health?

“There are few people who have top physical health without trying, either through physical activity, a good diet or healthy sleep routines. But when it comes to mental health, it's sort of expected that we should all just be “normal” on a general basis. I think there should be much more focus on preventive actions and good measures to have a balanced mental health. Especially for children and young people today.
My hypothesis is that many people bring stress and trauma with them from an early age. Later, typically in puberty or in study times, it will be expressed in “full bloom”. Those who struggle at school and sports also have a lot of problems with isolation and quickly end up in bad environments or with destructive habits that are difficult to reverse when they enter adulthood.  
If I were to mention three things that I wish there was more focus on, it would be the importance of 1) good relationships, 2) activity that gives sense of achievement, and 3) good routines for physical activity and sleep.”

Now we have focused a lot on people who have mental health challenges. Do you also have an advice to those who don’t have any phycological challenges themselves, but who may have close family or friends with such?

“Try to understand what they are going through rather than offering advice based on your own perspective. Be present, motivate them to live up to their potential, and give them an inspirational push when needed.”

But what about people at work? Especially a person in a leadership position. What can they do to make sure that those experiencing mental health challenges can have a good day at work?

“Motivate them! Try to understand their strengths and weaknesses, as this will be a win-win for all parties. Take some time to map this out, for example through meetings/workshops or by talking to friends and acquaintances of the employee. If you get it right, you hit the jackpot!”

Understanding and utilizing strengths and weaknesses is an important asset for every leader! But, before we go, is there something else you would like to share?

“If you suspect that you are tailored in a slightly different way, talk to people about it in a curious way and try to understand what you are good at and what you find exciting. If you figure this out, you will be able to use what you initially saw as a challenge to a huge advantage!”

Love you Daniel and thanks for sharing some valuable info.


AvantGarde Search is for the first time in our history in the process of raising capital to allow for significant expansion plans both here in Oslo, but also in Denmark and Sweden. We are considering a share-issue round via In the coming weeks we are speaking to professional investors and hobby investors with the interest of investing 10 000 NOK to 250 000 NOK. Feel free to see our presentations via the linkor contact Erik Falk Hansen ( | +47 40 43 54 93).


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